How to Make the Most of Your Garden in the Fall

How to Make the Most of Your Garden in the Fall

For gardeners, fall is the take-all season where we get so much done to prep for next year’s garden. There is so much that needs to be done and that can be done, that sometimes it can get a little overwhelming. So, here are some ideas for you. It’s not a checklist of what to plant (there are tons of those out there for you to look up, like this one), but rather some thoughts about how to make the most of your garden this harvest season. From practical chores to fun and inspiring ones, your fall garden is just waiting for you to enjoy it!

  1. Plant or start a vegetable garden. Got a veggie garden? Clean out all those summer crops and get it ready for fall (or winter/spring) planting! Never veggie gardened before? No worries! Start with one bed and a couple different edibles and go from there (and read this blog post; it’ll help). Growing some of your own food is one of the most satisfying aspects of gardening that we know. Well, also growing bulbs, but you already knew that.

  2. Get those bulbs in the ground. We all know fall is for planting, and most bulbs are included in that. Hopefully, you’ve ordered all your bulbs by now (but if not, get a move on!) and are starting your planting. Amaryllis, daffodils, bearded iris, ranunculus, tulips—what you plant now will delight you later!

  3. Learn a new garden skill. We know you’re busy, but every now and then it’s good to shake things up, isn’t it? Try your hand at preserving some of your harvest, consider growing fruits in addition to the veggies you’ve mastered, or branch out with some oddball bulbs. Don’t go crazy and overdo it; that simply leads to overwhelm. Just pick something and focus on that one thing. It’s pretty rewarding to learn something new.

  4. Plan holiday decorating. From general harvest decorating to Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, the garden is a natural place to spruce up. It doesn’t have to be fancy; it just needs to welcome you and feel special. Add some lights, change out your décor, plant a few containers, pile up some blankets for chilly evenings, and then take a step back and marvel at what you’ve created. Go for cozy and you can’t go wrong.

  5. Clean everything up. Your garden looks better when it’s tidy, and you’ll feel better when your garden looks better. It’s nearing the end of the season for many of us, so put that garden to bed well. Don’t let dead plants, debris, old terra cotta pots, and half-filled bags of potting soil linger—get it all tidied up, and when the garden comes alive next year, you’ll be ready to go.

  6. Decide how you want to expand your garden next year. Now’s the perfect time to start making plans for next year’s garden. Do you want to expand some perennial or bulb beds? Has that sunny garden become shaded? Do you need more veggie beds? What about a pathway back to your veggie garden? Always wanted a cutting garden? Write them down, then prioritize what’s most important. There will be a few you can work on over the winter, while you make plans to accomplish the rest.

  7. Enjoy your outdoor space. This should really be at the top of our list! Yes, there’s a lot of work that goes into fall gardening, but honestly, if you’re not enjoying what you’re doing or reaping the benefits, what’s the point? Take some evenings to cook a meal outside, have a family cookout, light a fire, gaze at the stars, and survey your kingdom.


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