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Ginger Planting Guide

While most people are familiar with culinary Ginger, these aromatic plants actually belong to a large and varied clan filled with diverse flower forms, exotic color combinations, scented blossoms, and faraway lands of origin. We offer two main categories of Ginger: flowering for ornamental purposes and culinary for cooking and medicinal uses. So, are you looking to add some zest to your garden? Take a closer look at how to plant and grow different types of Ginger!

Success Snapshot




Moderate; Low in dormancy


Partial Sun to Partial Shade


Up to 24" Apart - See specific product page




Zones 8-11

Where to Plant

While some Gingers lend stunning color and others offer culinary and medicinal applications, they're both happy in garden beds or containers. These plants thrive in sunny sites in foggy coastal areas where ample water is provided. However, if moisture is limited, sites with one-third to one-half day of shade are preferable. Additionally, Gingers will not fare well in salty, oceanside soils or areas that are soggy. Therefore, if you notice puddles of water 5–6 hours after a hard rain, scout out another site or amend the soil with organic material to raise the level 2–3 inches.

When to Plant

Plant your Ginger rhizomes or tubers in the early spring after the danger of frost has passed. Depending on the soil and air temperatures, you can expect root and top growth to form within a few weeks.

How to Plant

  • For outdoor landscape planting, find a spot where the soil drains well, and your Ginger plants will receive full sun to partial shade. Dig holes and plant the rhizomes or tubers 12" apart with the roots pointing downwards and the "eyes" or growing points just below the soil surface. Tuck the plants in and tamp the soil down to remove any air pockets.
  • For container planting, start with potting soil that drains well and a large container. Dig holes and plant the rhizomes or tubers with the roots pointing downwards and the "eyes" or growing points just below the soil surface. Tuck the plants in and tamp the soil down to remove any air pockets.
  • Water thoroughly, soaking the soil to settle it around the root.

How to Grow

  • Water your Ginger plants regularly during the growing season, using an estimate of 1" of moisture per week, but making sure that the plant doesn’t sit in soggy soil.
  • Fertilize the plants monthly with a lower-nitrogen (such as 5-10-10) fertilizer during active growth. Too much nitrogen can lead to excessive green growth at the expense of bloom production or rhizome growth.
  • Leave the foliage in place after blooming has finished for the season. The leaves will gather sunlight to create food through photosynthesis, strengthening the plant for the future.
  • Cut back on fertilizing and watering as the weather begins to cool and the plants slow down in growth.
  • Bring your plants indoors for the winter and provide them with a bright window site if you garden in zone 6 or cooler. In zone 7 and warmer, the foliage will freeze, but roots will resprout in the spring.
  • Allow your Ginger plants to rest for a few months before beginning the next growing cycle in the spring.
  • Return your plants outdoors (if brought indoors) when spring weather returns and warms to 55 degrees or higher at night.

Ginger Tips & Tricks

  • Amend the soil with finely ground bark, decomposed manure, or compost to improve drainage and encourage a healthy start.
  • Allow any clipped leaf stalks present on your rhizomes to protrude above the soil line when planting.
  • Consider adding other plants with similar sun and water requirements with your Ginger in containers, as these beauties are excellent mixers.
  • Keep in mind that weekly deep waterings are better than lighter drinks every day or two.
  • Feel free to snip blossoms for bouquets when in bloom, as doing so will not hurt the plants, and many types are delightfully fragrant.