Sensational Color & Fragrance for Your Garden - Reblooming Bearded Iris

Sensational Color & Fragrance for Your Garden - Reblooming Bearded Iris

Are you looking for something exceptionally tough, low-maintenance, drought-tolerant, critter resistant, and brilliantly colorful? Well, then we can't recommend Bearded Irises highly enough! Additionally, these reblooming beauties offer double the joy with between two and eight sensational shows each year!
Reblooming Bearded iris mariposa Skies

Are deer and rabbits your primary gardening concern? Or perhaps your climate requires drought-tolerant plants or those that can handle dramatic shifts in the weather? Either way, Bearded Irises are the answer! Plus, they're known to attract butterflies for miles, and many offer a fragrance that will sweep you off your feet.
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Bearded Irises produce big, billowy blossoms in a rainbow of bright colors, from red and yellow to violet, blue, and everything in between! The fantastic flowers are held high above silvery green sword-shaped foliage on strong stems. While only some varieties are fragrant, all Bearded Irises bloom heavily in the spring, with repeat displays in the appropriate climate zones. The stunning Frequent Flyer has actually been known to rebloom up to 11 times in a single year!shop reblooming bearded iris Frequent Flyer online

How to Plant Reblooming Bearded Irises

The key to success with these gorgeous growers is plenty of sunshine and minimal moisture in well-drained soil. Plant your Reblooming Bearded Irises in a full sun location, where they will receive at least six hours of direct sun each day.
how to plant reblooming bearded iris rhizomes - a diagram

When planting Reblooming Bearded Irises, bear in mind that they will rot in wet soils, so excellent drainage is a must. Situate your rhizomes in the ground with the top parts exposed, adjusting the depth based on your unique climate. In dryer regions, bury the rhizomes with the soil just barely covering the top. If you're gardening where plentiful rainfall is the norm, allow for more of the rhizome to be exposed above the soil line. Either way, avoid covering with mulch, as these beauties are incredibly cold-hardy and often don't bloom when overly insulated.
reblooming bearded iris rosalie figge

Fertilizing Your Reblooming Bearded Irises

For the best outcome, supplement the nutrition intake of your Irises by providing a low nitrogen fertilizer during active growth. However, be mindful that an excess of nitrogen will cause them to rot and produce foliage at the expense of flowers - not ideal! Instead, we recommend mixing a 5-10-5 with a bloom-boosting superphosphate in a 50/50 blend, applying it in the early spring and again after the first flush has finished. Sprinkle and scratch the fertilizer onto the soil around the Irises without any direct contact with the rhizome. Finally, in September, apply a foliar feeding to the leaves of the plant.
reblooming bearded iris priscilla of corinth

If stunning blooms throughout the year sound good to you, then Reblooming Bearded Irises are an excellent choice! So, go ahead and plant some this fall, and don't forget to be on the lookout for new and exciting varieties!

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