Greens Planting & Growing Guide

You know you need to eat your Greens and we make it super-easy and super-delicious to do just that! From lettuce to spinach or microgreens, you’ll love having nutritious and versatile Greens handy and fresh from the garden, ready to snip and use in your favorite dishes. And they couldn’t be any easier to grow! Read on to get all the details in black and white on growing tasty, good-for-you Greens.

  • Planting Depth
    Plant level to just above soil line.
  • Planting Proximity
    About 12 in.
  • Planting Season
    Spring or Fall
  • Plant Benefits
    Grow your own food!
  • Water Quantity
  • Bloom Season
    Harvest all Summer as needed.
  • Sunlight Quantity
    Full Sun
  • Hardiness Zones
    Grow as Annual past danger of frost.

Additional Growing Information

Where to Plant Greens

Greens are among the select edibles that don’t require full sun. Plant in an area with partial sun or even light shade and well-draining soil. If you live in a hot climate, you may want to have some shade cloth on hand to protect the Greens, as excessive heat can cause the plants to bolt (set seed).

When to Plant Greens

Plant Greens in the spring or fall. In mild climates, you can plant Greens almost year-round, but it’s best to avoid planting in the hottest months. In colder climates, you can keep Greens growing through some of the colder months by growing in a cold frame.

How to Plant Greens

  • Find a location with partial sun and well-draining soil. If you notice that water still puddles 5 to 6 hours after a hard rain, it's best to find a different spot or plant in a container or raised bed.
  • Plant your Greens as soon as possible after they arrive. If you can’t plant immediately, make sure to give them a drink of water and set them somewhere out of direct sun and wind until you can get them planted.
  • Dig a hole the same depth as the nursery container. Remove the plant from the container and set in the hole. If the roots look compacted, it’s okay to gently loosen them a bit. Fill the hole with soil and tamp down firmly.
  • Water thoroughly after planting to settle the soil around the roots.

How to Grow Greens

  • Water at least once a week, more often in warm weather; 1” of water at a time is a good estimate. Drip irrigation or soaker hoses help get the water right at the roots with minimal evaporation and reduce the spread of diseases like powdery mildew.
  • Add a light mulch of compost to the surrounding soil to improve drainage, reduce evaporation, and keep competing weeds at bay.
  • Apply a light dose of high-nitrogen fertilizer such as fish emulsion a week or two after planting and every couple of weeks until harvest.

Greens Tips & Tricks

  • Use Greens as an underplanting in hotter areas so that taller plants can provide some shelter from the most intense heat of the day.
  • Extend your harvest by cutting off the outer leaves but leaving the inner leaves and root system intact.
  • Harvest highly nutritious microgreens 10 to 25 days after planting using sharp scissors to snip off the baby leaves.
  • Be prepared to provide protective shade covering or do a full harvest when a heat wave comes on because the hotter temperatures will cause the plants to set seed and the flavor and quality of the Greens will degrade fast.